Group Fundraising
Gold Crown Fundraising offers a range of group fundraising solutions for a variety of groups and elementary schools to help them reach their financial goals. With both product and non-product based programs, there’s something for everyone. No matter what type of fundraiser you choose, our team is here to support you every step of the way, providing guidance and resources to ensure your success.
Product Fundraising
We offer a variety of product for sports team fundraisers. Here are just a few of the most popular ones:
-Mrs. Fields Cookies
-Cheesecake Factor Cheesecake
-Auntie Anne’s Pretzels
-Stainless Steel Tumblers
-Trash bags (Yes, trash bags. Everyone needs them. Including grandma!)
-Gourmet Popcorn
Non-Product Fundraising
We offer comprehensive solutions for non product fundraising campaigns that can help any group or elementary school meet is and raising goals. Click here for more information about non product fundraisng for you group or elemntory school.